Review: We Bare Bears “Baby Bears on a Plane”

Boy, did I miss this show.

Spoilers Below

The baby bears have decided they need to fly to Sweden to get pancakes. They start off in the cargo hold but, once they get out of their box, they head up into the passenger section. An flight attendant tells them they need to find their seats and the stowaway bears split up to find open seats.

Grizz happens to find a seat in first class. While watching a kickass action movie, he finds that he’s sitting next to the star, Todd Eagle, of said action movie. Much fan bearing ensues. Unfortunately, it turns out that Todd Eagle is afraid of flying. During some turbulence, Todd hides in the overhead baggage compartment. Grizz heads up there to pep talk his hero out of the storage bin. The two end up back in their seats just as the plane lands.

Panda ends up with a seat in coach. He is stuck between a large man that keeps elbowing him in the head and a woman with a baby. The trouble starts when Panda, who is super hungry, spills is complimentary pretzels all over the floor. Except for one pretzel that the baby eats. Panda decides that he needs to find food somewhere. He starts crawling under all of the seats, when he finds out that the baby is following him. Yes, the baby follows him absolutely everywhere. (Great parenting, by the way.) Panda finds some pancakes in first class but, by the time he gets there, the pancakes are gone. During the aforementioned turbulence, Panda saves the baby from a rogue food cart rolling up and down the aisle.

Ice Bear gets the best seat. The plane’s co-pilot finds him standing in the aisle and scoops Ice Bear to the cockpit. Both the pilot and the co-pilot find him adorable so they put the plane on auto-pilot to play board games with him. The flight attendant brings them all pancakes for breakfast. Before they can eat, the co-pilot leaves the cockpit to get some delicious maple syrup he has. But the other two can’t wait for him to get back. The pilot gobbles a bite of the pancakes and starts to choke. Ice Bear punches him in the stomach a bunch of times to dislodge the chunk of food. But the pilot’s elbow has turned off the auto-pilot. (This is where all the “turbulence” comes from.) Somehow, Ice Bear manages to land the plane himself, saving the day. The pilot, thankful that Ice Bear saved his ass, asks if there is anything he can do for the little tyke.

The three bears sit in the cockpit ready to eat their pancakes. When the co-pilot asks them to save some for him, Grizz points out that they can get more pancakes since they are in Sweden. But they aren’t in Sweden. They are in Boise, Idaho.

Poor Panda! He had the worst seat and he had a neglected baby following him around everywhere! That baby is lucky Panda decided to save him. Despite a Panda beat down, I liked that each bear got their own special scenario that showed their strengths. They are awesome when they are together and this shows they are still pretty awesome when they are separate too.
