Review: Uncle Grandpa “Costume Crisis”

What are YOU dressing up as?

Spoilers Below

Everyone is dressing up for Halloween except for this kid who doesn’t appear to be trying when he shows up to Uncle Grandpa’s house looking for candy. The kid’s name is Chet, and he gets turned into a candy bar thanks to Uncle Grandpa’s machine. It doesn’t take long before every kid in town wants to take a bite out of this kid’s ass. Eventually, this huge candy bar gets captured and is offered up as a prize for a costume contest and Uncle Grandpa wins.

Evil Wizard

The Evil Wizard develops his own line of candy and it’s delicious. Also, kids know how to balance their diets so long-term effects shouldn’t cause harm.

Our Take

Pizza Steve had the best costume, but that’s beside the point. Uncle Grandpa posts up a Halloween episode with a twist ending that’ll make you wanting more! And why not a cameo from an Evil Wizard? The episode as a whole would’ve been better with a little more of Uncle Grandpa’s pals, but this will do.
