Review: Triumph’s Election Watch 2016

Get primed for tonight’s debate by getting a drubbing of the first.

Some Spoilers Below

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog returns the exact same day that the “Grab Her Pussy” scandal breaks in an all new Election Watch 2016 special for Hulu. Unlike prior episodes, this edition runs about 30 minutes and instead of a whole panel of guests, we get more of a traditional talk show format. Those worried about the shorter run-time will be happy to learn that this is the first of THREE Election specials that Hulu has commissioned for the Fall ’16 Presidential campaign.

Election Watch 2016 kicks off with just that, Triumph heading to the site of the first Presidential Election featuring Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and just like most of the election coverage Triumph has been a part of up until now…he’s all over the place. From photobombing Sean Hannity to questioning the logic of having the debate at Hofstra in the first place, Triumph makes his presence felt. Triumph then wraps his political coverage with a guest interview featuring 538 poll analyst Nate Silver.

The odd think about this special, is that roughly half is dedicated to Triumph’s recent Emmy nomination. Featuring a hilarious skit with Amy Schumer (there she is again!) plus a walk of the red carpet with Charro, Presidential candidate Gary Johnson (whom no one knew by the way), and Dennis Haskins.

Overall, another solid, and maybe more concise Election special than the last two. Comparatively speaking, the other specials, while good in their own right, could be seen as a bit too long featuring bits that may or may not have worked. This effort comes at us way more digestible, but possibly mistitled given that half of the 30-minute special was Emmys-related and not election related but still filled with laugh-out-loud moments that should help you get ready for the second Presidential debate happening tonight.

