Review: Star Wars Rebels “The Holocrons of Fate”

No fate.

Spoilers Below

Kanan and Ezra have reunited again but they aren’t quite the same as before. As they return from a mission, they find one of the rebel ships destroyed. They soon find out that Darth Maul has captured the Ghost along with its crew. He wants the Sith holocron back. However, Kanan left the holocron with Bendu. So Kanan takes Ezra back to Bendu to retrieve the holocron.

It turns out that Bendu has hidden the holocron deep inside a network of caverns where the spider-things live. Kanan and Ezra will have to overcome their problems and work together to get the holocron back. While in the cave, Ezra apologizes for Kanan’s blindness. Kanan reveals that he never blamed Ezra and notes that Ezra needs to forgive himself. The two hug as the rift between them is healed. With that done, they retrieve the Sith holocron, thanks to Kanan’s new understanding of the spiders.

Back on the Ghost, Darth Maul gets Hera to give him a tour of the ship. Once they get to Kanan’s room, Maul reads Hera’s mind, figuring out that she knows Kanan’s real name and the location of the Jedi holocron. According to Bendu, if Maul combines the Jedi and Sith holocrons, he will be able to get the answer to any question. All secrets will be revealed.

Maul greets the Jedi as they return to the Ghost. He sends Ezra ahead while he tries to throw Kanan out the airlock. Somehow, Kanan manages to jump back into the safety of the Ghost’s hangar. Kanan rescues Hera, Zeb, and Sabine from killer droids before heading to save Ezra from Maul. Unfortunately, the two have merged the holocrons by the time the gang gets there. Thanks to his blindness, Kanan is the only one able to see where Ezra is. He convinces Ezra to look away from the bright light of the vision but not before Ezra and Maul look inside for answers. The holocrons explode back into themselves and Maul retreats. Ezra, on the other hand, saw some planets but he isn’t sure what they mean. I guess that is for another episode.

While there wasn’t a lot of fighting in this episode, there was a lot of plot. Ezra and Kanan were able to resolve their issues, though it was really only Ezra that had an issue. I love that Bendu is sort of a third party Yoda. He can dish out the knowledge but he isn’t too invested in Jedi politics. On the other hand, there is Maul. I know that Kanan and Ezra don’t kill him. But I would like them to. During his holocron vision, Maul said something like “I see him.” We never get to actually know who ‘him’ is. Since Ezra asked for answers on how to kill the Sith, it’s possible that both Maul and Ezra saw Luke Skywalker. However, Maul asked about hope so it’s possible the vision was of Darth Vader, who basically takes over from Maul. This is only the third episode of the season. I’m assuming the rest of this season is going to get real dark real quick.
