Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “Billion Dollars Butt”

Would you pay?

Someone on Twitter asked Burnie what he would do if he won a billion dollars. The Twitterer figured Burnie would do something for Rooster Teeth. Alas, he was wrong. Burnie said he would give RT “two middle fingers and a cloud of dust,” which is an ingenious answer. Instead, he said he would only spend his money in extraordinary circumstances. For example, if he was at a restaurant and his food was late, he would buy the restaurant and fire the waiter. Gus, on the other hand, would write ‘fake’ checks for a million dollars to all his friends. Unbeknownst to them, they would get that money if they actually cashed the check. Finally, there is Gavin. Gavin would continue to work at Rooster Teeth but he would stuff hundred dollar bills in his pants so they would randomly drop out the leg as he walked around.

A few things here. First, Burnie is a bit of a dick for wanting to fire a waiter for his food being late. Most of the time, that isn’t the waiter’s fault. He’s taking his frustration out on the wrong person. As for Gus, I don’t think he could keep his newfound fortune a secret long enough to play a trick on his friends. Gavin is the only one I could see following through with his plans. It doesn’t involve him keeping a secret and I think he would love having everyone follow him around everywhere. We didn’t get to hear what Barb would do though. She may have been way more interesting than the guys.
