Review: Regular Show “The Brain of Evil”

Like brains?

Spoilers Below

Mordecai and Rigby get the day off. They head into a store where Rigby comes across an evil brain that convinces the raccoon to set him free. The shop owner tells Mordy and Rigby to capture the brain before it goes REALLY nuts. The body part floats into the park and hijacks the dome into outer space. The guys challenge the brain to a game of chess which gives Mordecai enough time to capture the brain and save the park from being blown up by the Colonel.

Our Take

I find it fascinating that you would thing the space station would be so confined that episodes like this wouldn’t happen, but lo and behold, we find a kind of haunted antique store. It’s kind of a borrowed concept (see: Gremlins), but it works. Not a lot here to sink your teeth into with the exception of the Gravity Falls nod (did you guys catch it?), but overall an entertaining episode that stop-gaps and progress as to why the hell we’re on this space station to begin with.
