Review: Legends of Chamberlain Heights “Class President”

Seems timely.

Spoilers Below

In an effort to impress Cindy, Grove enters the class President race to challenge some kid named Craig. After getting some new threads, Grover uses Malik’s teachings to win the debate and become the Prez. Unfortunately, all of the clout that comes with being class president causes Grove to lose his pals and become an egomaniac. The student council sends Grove down back to Earth and soon the entire school turns against him. When Milk and Jamal learn of an assassination attempt on Grover, they turn to Malik for advice. The answer?? Cause a distraction!

Milk and Jamal call in a distraction by way of DeVry High. Grover almost re-signs but instead declares war on the school for attacking the Michael Clarke Duncan statue. When student council finds out that this was all a ruse set up by Grover and his boys, they get banned from the biggest party ever.

Our Take

We’ve seen a bunch of animated shows give us class president gigs as episodes, but I think this one felt the most topical with plays on the Bush administration, drones, and even scandals. Oh, and how about all the Michael Clarke Duncan jokes? Those still hurt and he’s been dead for years. Was there anything crazy unique about this week’s episode? No, but I thought there were enough good jokes that I didn’t want to get off at the next exit. One of the stronger showings of the season for sure.
