Review: Dream Corp, LLC “The Smoking Nun”


Spoilers Below

Patient 88 kicks off his first day as a fully qualified doctor. Enter, patient 54 is here in an attempt to try and quit smoking so that she can get preggo. After she gets entered into her alternate reality, patient 54 sleep walks and attempts to kill patient 88 with the sharpest thing she could find…and yet still had time to sharpen her instrument of destruction. Patient 88 nearly dies, and Dr. Roberts heads into 54’s multi-verse where he helps her quit smoking AND takes her virginity.

Our Take

I love the arc featuring patient 88, which certainly bodes the question, “How the hell long will he last?” And while a lot of the ancillary cast members seem to have taken a back-seat tonight in terms of importance, Dr. Roberts showcases his “Rick Sanchez” as he deflowers 54(cast brilliantly with “June Squibb”) and fucks with 88. I think we also got to spend quite a bit more time in the alternate reality versus the premiere, and I’ll be curious to see how the producers time that moving forward in terms of the amount of time in the animated world vs the live-action one. Both are winners, so it doesn’t matter to me either way.
