Shorts Review: RWBY Chibi Episode 18

This episode was 5 mins and 20 seconds long with one promotional ad.

“The Return of the Pickles”

The Skit Begins with Ruby attempting to open up a Pickle Jar. (Not to be confused with a previous episode.) and is having trouble until she looks at Sun and begrudgingly says yes to his offer for help.

As Sun proceeds to open said Jar, he has trouble himself and suggests Yang to open the Jar and Ruby immediately says “No!” to the idea saying that you “Never ask Yang to Open Jars.”

And just when she’s about to explain to Sun why coming to Yang for help with jars is a bad Idea, this happens…

Yang notices the Jar of Pickles but Ruby quickly tries to dodge the question but Yang ends up wanting to open it anyway.

Ruby proceeds to get Sun away from the danger of Yang that she warned him about and off camera she causes a small mess while openning it in the process with us the audience only witnessing their reactions of horror. 😛

Yang proudly gives Ruby the Jar but her hand ends up being stuck in the jar and Ruby tells Sun to Run and they run away and the Skit ends.

The pickles had it coming. But seriously, I don’t think Yang in a kitchen setting is a good idea. Unless of course you need to tenderize meat like your Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.

Or Jotaro Kujo’s Star Platinum “Stand Powers” from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3. 😛

I could go on, but this was suprisingly comical. 🙂


“Evil Plans”

We now get our first RWBY Chibi skit of Cinder Fall (Once again Voiced by Cosplay Celebrity Jessica Nigri.) who is working on a dastardly plan on a dry board proclaiming how Evil she is with her cartoonishly exaggerated “Mwahaha” laugh while Emerald points out the obvious that they shouldn’t have their evil blueprints just out & exposed but Cinder brushes it off saying “It’s fine”.

Seconds after she says that, Ruby & Nora jump in giving them a welcome which abruptly makes them cover their evil scheme board up and proclaiming “Not Evil!”

Ruby wants to throw a small welcoming “bff party” much to the personal disgust of Emerald & Cinder and for a brief moment, Nora can sort of see through the bullshit knowing it’s some sort of “Elaborate Scheme” and they quickly turn the board around while still attempting to dodge the question by saying it’s a Recipe for a Cake to raise for a charity event involving Kittens.

Ruby being the naive one blindly thinks that’s what they’re doing and gives a High-five to Nora while the two try to maintain their composure.

However this abruptly and hilariously comes to a brief halt when Mercury shows up with a Bazooka saying “Hello Evil dudes, I have the Kitten-Killer 9000”.

After Mercury notices how he’s drawing the wrong kind of attention to himself he quickly paces back while Ruby & Nora are somewhat shocked much to Cinder & Emerald’s Horror.

After that awkward moment, Ruby & Nora leave the dorm saying “See ya Besties” and after they leave Emerald asks Cinder “They’re messing with us Right?” and the skit ends.

I have to admit it’s hilarious seeing Cinder not be so calm mysterious or slightly monotone like Aizen from Bleach, Vergil from Devil May Cry 3 or any other emotionless tool of a villain but it’s done on purpose because Nigri has only needed to be dark and brooding and sound like the perfect “Evil Mary Sue”. Now there’s no plot, characters have no ill will, and everyone can do anything. So being a scared, confused, and caught off guard cinder is something she will have to work on.

At least they finally inserted her into the damn series, Now and we just need to see Chibi Neo, Roman & Adam make appearances.

Also you know you’re a dastardly villainess when you don’t even allow hugs!


“Butler of Cakes”

Ruby puts a cake in the oven and Weiss asks out of curiosity what she’s doing.

Ruby says “Just making a cake” but Weiss being the Upper Class Tool that she’s often portrayed to be in Chibi, blindly thinks every person has a butler that will magically bring you one. (This is where I started to face palm hard to the Absurdity of this.) Weiss explains to Ruby that “Cake Butlers” are a thing and that she has four of them back at Atlas. (We fucking get it Weiss, You ‘re a sheltered “Richie Bitch” as ICP so simply put it, who is devoid to the concept of hardships!) 

Ruby asks Weiss to watch the cake but Weiss says Cooking isn’t her thing and Ruby entrusts Weiss for this simple task.

After she leaves Weiss for some strange reason talks to the oven saying “Don’t start trouble and I won’t be any trouble” and like Dee Dee from Dexter’s Lab, she gleefuly wonders “What do these buttons do?”. (Oh You got to be fucking kidding me!)

Cutting to 5 Minutes later Ruby goes to check on the progress of her cake and this happens…

Weiss runs around the fire saying “Run away, Run away from the Fire!” and Ruby quickly puts it out saying “I was only gone for 5 minutes!” and Weiss says in response Weiss wonders when have Drapes always been flammable and Ruby says “Drapes always have been!” (Dammit Weiss, You have Ice Powers! You could’ve put the fire out yourself!)

Ruby afterwards goes to check on the burned overcooked cake much to her sadness and puts a white blanket over it saying “Goodbye my Delicious Friend, you never had a chance!”

Weiss points out how this is sort-of her fault for entrusting the task to someone who is completely uneducated at cooking and Ruby says “At least help me clean up this mess.”

Weiss asks what exactly do they mean by “Clean up”? and Ruby begins to shake in anger and proceeds to shoot her with the fire extinguisher and walks away like a boss while saying “Ask your cake Butler.” And as she walks away she throws the fire extinguisher tank and it lands on her face and the Skit ends. (Damn! that has to hurt!)


At first I was infuriated by Weiss’s blissfully ignorant “We are the 1%” stupidity until the skit redeemed itself by the end which felt hilariously justified when Ruby dropped that on her. 🙂


This is probably one of the Rare Episodes where Every skit wasn’t as bad as I would Imagine it to be, and that’s a good thing. By a long way the funniest sketches yet, especially getting Jessica to do a parody her character with a cartoonishly evil villain laugh and sending up her own character like she was something from the 1960s Batman TV show or Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. 🙂

Best Sketch: “The Return of the Pickes/Butler of Cakes.”

Not-so Worst Sketch: “Evil Plans”