Review: Brad Neely’s Harg Nallin’ Sclopio Peepio “For Charlize”

Jeffrey Tambor guest stars and has some sound advice.

Spoilers Below

Wise Advice from Jeffrey Tambor

Jeff gives us wise advice about the future. Turns out, the future is filled with cannibalism where everybody eats everybody else. That and watch all the Mad Max movies.



Tonsil Stones

A song all about Tonsil stones. I guess Tonsil stones are like kidney stones but in your tonsils. Are these real? WebMD that for me, please…thanks.



Other Sketches

Bruce Willis, Fruit Blood Sex Cave, Crimplestiltskin, Schwimmer’s Feet, I Always See Tyra Banks, Alien in Bed, White Power Rangers, Mo Money Mo Problems, Henry Sneaker, Yo Disney Sclope This Bitch, I’m All Better Now, Video of the Year

Best Sketch

White Power Rangers

Worst Sketch
