Reddit AMA Recap: Angus Oblong talks “The Oblongs”

The clown speaks.

The /r/adultswim Reddit thread is celebrating 15 years of Adult Swim and they did so with TWO Reddit AMA’s. One of them included this quick convo with Angus Oblong, creator of The Oblongs. While we didn’t get a TON of insight about the Adult Swim franchise of yesteryear, we did get some good highlights on where the franchise is now, how close it was to coming back, and more!

Does Angus think other actors could have done voices better?

Hmm… No. I think they all did an amazing job. I loved what Will brought to Bob, but when Mark Hamill auditioned, I was all about him being my Bob. I was out-voted though 4 to 1 by the other Producers.. BUT Mark came back to play Helga’s father in 1 episode.

On The Oblongs ALMOST coming back to Adult Swim

They backed out.. AFTER I had announced it to simply everyone. I’ve learned not to make announcements until contracts are signed & we’re in production.

As for the future of the franchise

No, I shopped more Oblongs around & no buyers

Here’s a good pitch for a future episode that won’t get made.

I wrote one where there’s a blackout & so Bob tells four different stories in flashbacks of how he lost his limbs in 4 different tragic accidents. Pure gold! But we never got to go back into production..

Someone from The Simpsons has been documenting Angus’ life

This is, unfortunately, true. A Simpsons director has documented my life with my pet pig (The Countess who has since passed) for about 13 years now. He’s editing it now. Let’s all hope he dies before this gets released to the general public.

Wanna get some Angus artwork and a whole bunch more, read more of Angus’ Reddit AMA here.