Shorts Review: RWBY Chibi Episode 13

This episode was 3 mins and 18 seconds long with zero promotional ads.

“Spin the Bottle”

The sketch opens with Ren, Nora, Weiss, Jaune, Phyrra and Neptune surrounding themselves in a circle while Nora arrives with a bottle for an implied game of “Spin the Bottle” while Weiss comments how “Childish” this is.

Nora spins the bottle which is mean’t to build a lot of suspense but feels purposely forced because the bottle spins and stops at Ren.

As everyone stares at him in anticipation, this happens…

I guess When facing an embarrassing situation, the coolest thing you can do, is own it. Ren gets that.

I think Ren’s “Fuck-it, Lets get this over with” moment was the bit that made me laugh but a spin the bottle scene with no actual kissing? Either they were too lazy to animate a kiss or It’s proof that those rabid tumblr shippers can’t have their cake and eat it.

The only way spin the bottle would have been funnier is if Ren pushed Jaune’s mouth open slightly and sprayed some of the breath spray in. 😛


“Blake vs Zwei Part 3”

Blake enters her dorm and is under constant fear that Zwei will pop up and attack her at anytime.

Zwei 1

So she wastes no time looking around the dorm beds and even lands on her feet. (Because she’s a cat, get it?)

Zwei 2

She checks at the desk and is relieved that the dog isn’t in her book. (Wait, why would the dog be inside the book?)

Zwei 3

As she proceeds to lay down at her bed , this happens…

I get that running jokes usually work when you space them out, but did anyone actually keep track of the previous episodes like I had to?


“Nora Workout”

The third and last sketch is possibly the longest in this episode, As Yang, Blake and Ruby show up for some sort of “Workout Session” with Nora in charge. (Notice Blake is in the background with a book that says “Dealing with hyperactive children” which is hilariously ironic given Nora’s personality. 😛

Using her “Drill Sergeant” treatment it then leads to a montage of Nora’s “tough love” as it only ends up harming the the three when Ruby Blake and Yang end up being worn out from how fast Nora is juxtaposed to everyone else.

Then it finally cuts to all 3 of them unconscious and Nora says “That’s only the warm up, now the real workout!”

Workout 3

She tells them to bench her hammer “765 times” and cartoonishly throws it at Ruby. (Ouch!) Yang points out how “Inhuman” she is and it cuts to what’s left of her respective team JNPR heavily injured which implies that even they didn’t survive her regimen.

Workout 4

Jaune says “Your telling me, try living with her!” and the Sketch ends with Nora screams in the background “Did I say you could stop?!”

Deep in our core, Everyone wants Nora’s workout, but let’s be honest. None of us would make it past the no games/books/cookies part, let alone the 350+ push ups unless you ‘re Saitama from “One Punch Man”.  😛


Very funny episode. I just wish they’d throw us a bone ONCE, come on guys, just one break, then you can go back to driving the shippers insane.

Best Sketch: Nora workout

Worst Sketch: Blake vs Zwei Part 3