Review: Uncle Grandpa “Jerky Jasper”

Don’t be a jerk, read this review.

Spoilers Below

Pizza Steve causes a big riff with Uncle Grandpa and Gus, but he blames it on his imaginary friend Jerky Jasper. Uncle Grandpa really wants to meet him and even turns himself back to 15 years old to try and meet the dude. Unfortunately, Pizza Steve is clearly acting like an asshole and not fessing up that his friend is fake no matter how young Uncle Grandpa gets. That all changes when Uncle Grandpa becomes a baby and actually starts to see a Jerky Jasper whom is destroying Pizza Steve’s room as payback for blaming him for something he never did. After getting the shit kicked out of him, Steve comes clean about Jerky Jasper, and Gus turns Uncle Grandpa back to normal which causes Jasper to disappear.

Short: “Uncle Grandpa Sings the Classics – Vol.82”

You can use a Pizza or MisterGus credit card for ordering.

Our Take

Pizza Steve episodes are my favorite, and it’s rare that he REALLY gets the shit kicked out of him. That’s certainly the case with this episode. The character design for Jerky Jasper wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, but it was still very good (I was half expecting a character made of jerky). I’m also a fan of Pizza Steve’s room which is inside of a pizza box, yet has so much room. You never know where the world of Uncle Grandpa is going to go, and that’s why the show has lasted four seasons.
