Review: Brad Neely’s Harg Nallin’ Sclopio Peepio “For Aretha”

Where do we start?

Spoilers Below

Perv Alert!

It’s simple, fun, and catchy. There is no deep meaning to it, and most people would be able to watch it and just smile.


Political Debate

Good old American values, such as GI Joe, and vanilla sex.


Flabby Arms

That sack of skin that hangs down and gets into everything that you don’t want it to get into; that’s arm flab, of course.


Other Sketches

Vin Diesel: The Ride, Kidney Stone Fairy, Human History with Andre 3000, Tick Circus, Goddamn Yeah Man, Cab Driver, Where the Hardy At?, Job Interview, I Know Right? #1, Flutes Ain’t Cute, I Like my…, God Bless America, Break Room Chat, Two-Sided Dice, Selena Gomez Stares at Fire

Best Sketch

Perv Alert!

Worst Sketch

Selena Gomez Stares at Fire [What were they thinking with this sketch? Unless it went over my head, it’s just Selena staring at fire; no joke, no rhyme, no reason.]