Fred Armisen to guest star as Zorn’s villain in “Son of Zorn”

This show is starting to get me more excited each day.

FOX is certainly loving Saturday Night Live for its Sunday Nights. Not only is Will Forte championing Last Man on Earth, but Jason Sudeikis and now Fred Armisen will be a part of the upcoming season of Son of Zorn set to premiere this Fall on FOX.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Armisen will voice the role of Zorn’s arch nemesis “Vulchazor.” As we learned at San Diego Comic Con, Earth features a cartoon nation called Zephyria where Zorn hails from. However, Zorn is re-missed from his home world in an effort to be closer to his son which causes Vulchazor to come to power and terrorize Zorn’s former stomping grounds.

Armisen is the latest guest star announced for the first season of Son of Zorn including Olivia Wilde, Nick Offerman, and more.