‘NUTS!’ to get theatrical release

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Coming June 22nd, to select theaters, NUTS!

Mixing hand-drawn animated reenactments, interviews, archival footage, and a highly unreliable narrator, NUTS! traces Brinkley’s rise from poverty and obscurity to the heights of celebrity, wealth, and influence.

Inventive and wildly fun, NUTS! recounts the mostly-true story of John Romulus Brinkley, a Kansas doctor who in 1917 discovered that he could cure impotence by transplanting goat testicles into men. From there, the story only gets more bizarre (the trailer is below, and the first five seconds features two goats fucking in a field…I’m in!)

NUTS! will have a 2-week engagement June 22 – July 5 at Film Forum, 209 W. Houston St. (West of 6th Ave.), with screenings daily at 12:30, 2:20, 4:15, 6:10, 8:00, and 9:50.

NUTS! (2016, 79 mins.) Directed by Penny Lane. Written by Thom Stylinski. Producers: James Belfer, Caitlin Mae Burke, Penny Lane, Daniel Shepard. Editors: Penny Lane and Thom Stylinski. Illustrated and animated by: Drew Christie, Hazel Lee Santino, Michael Pisano, Rose Stark, Krystal Downs, Julia Veldman, Ace & Son Moving Picture Co., LLC. Original Score: Brian McOmber. The Narrator: Gene Tognacci. Voice Actors: Andy Boswell, John Causby, Kelly Mizell, Jeff Pillars, Thom Stylinskii, Fran Taylor. In English. USA. Released by Cartuna.

Find out more here.