Shorts Review: RWBY Chibi Episode 4

This was one was even shorter (3 mins and 2 seconds) but surprisingly had more laughs.

“Fighting Game”

It starts out with Ruby and Yang playing some random fighting game on their TV and Ruby losing.

Yang begins to bask in her glory and gets briefly distracted by their pet Zwei because he’s dragging an unconscious Blake for some reason with yang saying “She’s not a toy!”

During the distraction Ruby quickly takes her controller away and beats her relentlessly which ends with Yang being angry with a firey aura around her and she breaks the fourth wall saying to the camera “Oops!”.


“Ice Sculpture”

In another random skit, Ruby is partaking in an “Ice Sculpture contest”…

…only to get instantly upstaged by Weiss & Blake because they use their semblance & Dust techniques their advantage and Ruby leaves in frustration.

While I did get a small chuckle, Ruby was just mad and jealous of her friends’ abilities and she wasn’t even happy for them? She didn’t say how cool their work was? She just complained about out outclassed she was. *SMH*


“Present for Blake”

Yang tries gets a new gift for Blake in response to the Previous “gift failure”.  Blake is pleased but only for different reasons. (It’s a Tea Kettle and a cup.)

After getting it out of the box (I thought Teapot-sets usually have more than one cup.) Blake Jumps in the box the way a cat would. 😛

I loved Yang’s reaction which i’m sure in her mind says:’Blake, really? I got you this fuckin tea set but you are more excited for the box?’ 😛



Yang is casually playing her game oncemore gleefully.

Only for the rest of Team RWBY to take turns irritating her by poking her with a stick.

Which leads to a fun comedic punchline that involves them roasting marshmallows over her flaming Dragonball Z-like Aura. 😛


I probably got more laughs out of this week’s episode as compared to Episode 3 and plus the credits had a cute 8-bit chiptune rendition of the song “Red like Roses”. 🙂

Best sketch: “Present for Blake”

Worst Sketch:”Ice Sculpture”