English Dub Review: Dimension W “The Future Reached”

We wrap up Dimension W on Adult Swim.


I have been hearing nothing but bad things about Dimension W ever since the Easter Island arc happened, and it took me until just now to realize why that is. Because episode 12 is such a mixed bag of good and bad, And according to various reviews I read after watching this episode, I can see why they’d be disappointed.)

The episode is filled with so much flashy coloring and effects that it feels like a waste of time, since they could have used this opportunity to smooth out any problems, even though doing that can only help so much at this point. The main problem of this episode are Kyoma’s memories and Genesis, where things get abit confusing.

The method of how Mira goes into Kyoma’s memories doesn’t make sense, even if the Imagery reminds me of Tron. She states she can do all of this by knocking him unconscious and using technology that is targeting him, but it feels like an explanation that just appeared out of thin air. Mira’s experiences from her past jobs with Kyoma is not enough to suffice as a reasonable explanation for what she did. The real problem is Genesis, which involved Kyoma’s memories. The entire existence of Genesis is basically a deus ex machina for this episode and the entire Easter Island arc, as it can apparently do anything. It proves this by showcasing what happened to Kyoma and how he mysteriously met up with Miyabi. Due to this, we get the sequence of the couple making a promise to each other.

Maybe if they ever make a second season they can make it more episodic, maybe take the time to build up a proper villain. More likely we’ll just have to go read the manga. Yuji Iwahara’s longest manga prior to this was only six volumes, yet the ending of the anime implies this story continues, and I can’t find any information claiming that the tenth volume of the manga is the last. All that does is cement the fact that we’re not going to be getting a second season anytime soon unless it’s all original.

I really enjoy futuristic stories that deal with power generation, the economics of it, society dealing with the issue, as well as robotics and artificial intelligence. This series had a lot going for it during its run in terms of things I find interesting. It also featured some rather solid characters and performances, despite being pushed through a somewhat lackluster overall plot.

The weakest part of the final arc was certainly the Seameyer character. He never quite fit in with the rest of the series with all his grotesque facial calisthenics and cackling (and the “Scenery-Chewing” performance certainly didn’t help). The best that can be said is that he serves his purpose as a plot catalyst, and his existence fits with the rest of the premise. It’s Seameyer’s villainy that spurs everyone else into heroic action, and there’s saving going on all over the place in the finale – Mira saves Kyoma, Kyoma saves everybody, Lwai saves Kyoma.

A good ending for a great show. Gonna miss this. For a second I feared that Mira was gonna die from her coil and it would end with Kyoma slowly accepting coils more because of her. Kinda glad that didn’t happen. I do like how they showed why Miyabi’s head disappeared. Turns out, the surgery was a success, kinda, and Kyoma destroying Genesis brought her to dimension w. And Loser with the sacrifice. Cause let’s admit, we all know the coil he gave them was probably the one that helped with his heart. He knew he was gonna die either way and sacrificed himself. I feel bad for Ellie though, considering she’s possibly by herself and lost her parents fully now. Kinda think its messed up what Seameyer did to Sophia. And I’m actually glad Miyabi didn’t come back because that would’ve been cliché and complicated things. And he finally called her by her name lol. I want more because I’m interested in what that green coil from the beginning does, because the doctor gave it to Mira when she was in the void. Also, I would like to see more Albert considering we dent really know much about him.

It’s a fun show to watch, but pretty confusing when it comes to what Dimension W is. Also, some of the bigger characters seem to just drop out half way through. I did like the main characters though, the music was good, the animation was vibrant, the story, while confusing, kept me interested, and I did like Loser.

I feel like they could’ve done better adapting it and the concept is so freaking good. Def going to read the manga from the beginning, as I’ve heard they skipped quite a lot. I’m really sure the manga is better than the anime.

Well… I cannot say that I’m dissatisfied with this ending. I will admit that I hoped that Mira would fuse with Miyabi’s soul and give Kyoma a happier end, but that was not the case. I’m happy with this ending though, one of the better endings of this anime season.

There’s always the manga though right? I mean, Kyoma’s definitely come a long way, and Mira now has a coil that’s actually serving as a sort of heart for her. There’s more adventures for these two down the line, and for once, I think if this show did anything, it sold me on wanting to continue with this franchise in manga form. While I can never really truly say that the anime was great or amazing, it came very darn close, and given the genre and the subject matter, that’s very high praise indeed.