Review: Camp WWE “A Family McMahon”

It would’ve been nice if we had known about this episode sooner…


Spoilers Below

Steve Austin drives Mr. McMahon out of Camp WWE leaving Stephanie to have to deal with the Texas Rattlesnake leading up to the big dance. Her idea? Simply ignore Steve Austin. At first, this sounds harder than it looks, but Austin ends up getting so frustrated that he opts to go get Vince BACK in Camp WWE.

Vince McMahon is an astronaut now that lives with a family that I’m pretty sure he just kind of took because there’s no sign of Shane or Linda McMahon anywhere.  Fortunately, Austin makes quick work of them and brings back Vinny Mac in Lex Luger…yep LEX LUGER’S bus! We also find out that Vince setup this whole ‘quitting’ thing so as to change the carpets in Austin’s cabin.

Meanwhile, Nikki Bella decides to go to the dance with Bray Wyatt which is a challenge because the kid plays with rodents and has fleas. When Bray learns that Nikki’s been talking bad about him to the other girls, the head of the Wyatt Family opts for revenge.

On the day of the dance, Nikki apologizes to Bray and the two dance. They daaaance-daaaance-daaaaance thuuuu niiiightt awaaayy!

Our Take

I’m actually surprised that we didn’t get more of Austin vs McMahon during the course of the first full season of Camp WWE. You would think with the tumultuous history between the two it would’ve been a given, in any event, this week’s episode gave us a heaping load of Austin v McMahon. And how about the Lex Luger cameo, eh???

Really, the star of the show, is Vince McMahon. I mean COME ON! VINCE IN SPACE!!! He’s also fighting bears and randomly adopting families as his own. Vince might be the most out of control cartoon character ever devised. As a matter of fact, I’d love to see a show all about Vince and that family…could you imagine?

Bray Wyatt’s plot was a bit more atypical, and along the lines of what we’ve seen before in other shows. However, I was definitely taken aback by just how gross they made Bray. Fleas in his EYES…HIS EYES! Rats, and other rodents as pets! Usually people from the bayou eat that sort of shit but Bray’s makin’ em pets!

Aside from John Cena’s soundtrack of choice, this week’s episode of Camp WWE brought the goods.
