BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Dodger”

The Stanley Dynamic returned last night with an all-new episode! Often times it can be tough accepting who you really are. The things we put ourselves through to show the world the person we want the world to see and not who we really are, it be taxing on your spirit. Luke put himself through the same scenario last night. How did it work? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Dodger” Luke tries to prove his athletic ability by organizing a dodgeball team.

Last night’s episode was alright. While the episode still highlighted the same fun dialogue and situations as any other week, but the story itself wasn’t very engaging. It’s more or less a story zeroes attempting to become heroes, but nothing really starts to happen till the third act of the episode. The first two was Luke just trying to form his dodgeball team. One of the better guest characters, Walter, takes an early exit from the episode. He was a rambling old man who claimed to fight in five wars. He was loud and a tad senile, but hilarious nonetheless. Luckily, there is also Chaz. He is on the opposing dodgeball team. He’s an all-star dodgeball player who also happens to wear extremely short shorts and a crop top. He’s arrogant, obnoxious, lacks self-awareness, but it easily the best part of last night’s episode.

There is also another subplot in the episode where Dad wins an award for his comic and goes off to Hollywood to accept it… well, until Lori finds him cooped up in his office hiding from Mom. As it turns out, he didn’t actually win the award. There aren’t too many scenes focusing on this story, but it’s essentially just Dad and Lori working together to trick mom into believing that he went to California.

Overall, the episode was alright. The first two acts were a little bland, but the third act was excellent. The dodgeball game against Chaz and his goons was great because of Chaz. Luke proves the world wrong to shows that he can be an athlete by exploiting his animated powers. Not exactly the most realistic solution, but hey, he won!  Mom eventually finds out that Dad hadn’t gone anywhere but is accepting of him anyway. A pretty predictable ending, but also the only one that really make sense. The lack of the surprise is disappointing, but I’m also not sure how else I would have it end. The ending tag pretty funny. If they showcased more of their guest stars this week, I think they would have had a hit. But, unfortunately, one out of three good acts just doesn’t make for a good twenty-two minutes.