Review: Greatest Party Story Ever “Greatest Gnome Story Ever”

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Kickin’ It With Kanye

Sneaking into a Kanye West show because an out of towner couldn’t pay for $300 tickets.


God at Coachella

Finding God at Coachella is possible apparently if you mix acid with Hozier songs. God apparently tells this kid to walk over to LAX with no phone, but eventually gets a ride. Kid gets to LAX, takes off to NYC, and his dad picks him up from the airport…all because of God. PS, this kid’s retarded.


Bitch Better Have My Gnome

 This guy tells a story about stealing the crown jewel of a frat house…that being a gnome. He bolts from the party with his friend Ashley with the gnome in hand. Somehow they get away from a chase but are woken up the next day by guys looking for the gnome. Welp, they get shut down, and this kid STILL has the gnome.


Other Sketch

Cowgirl Wasted, Kanganuts, Vaminos Amigos

Best Sketch


Worst Sketch

Kickin’ It with Kanye