Review: Fugget About It “Sasquatchewan”

After a little break, Fugget About It returned last night on Adult Swim Canada with an all new episode! This is the tenth episode of the season, so we’re definitely in the homestretch now. This season overall has been pretty good, a few stinkers along the way, but no show is perfect. Season three has been a lot of fun to review because at it’s core, the show is genuinely unique and it has something different to say. There are a lot of animated shows that have essentially stripped The Flintstones down to it’s bare bones and rebuilt it with slight variations. Fugget About It took the family-comedy concept and really made it their own. But I digress, there is still an episode to review here and the journey through season three isn’t quite over, so let’s jump into it!

In “Saskquatchewan” (the only acceptable title for this episode, by the way) Jimmy and Petey go hunting and come home with a sasquatch. Also: Jimmy learns about McCool’s job when he babysits Bigfoot and Cheech acts as a seeing eye dog for a blind woman he’s attracted to.

Remember when I mentioned that season three has had a few stinkers along the way? Count this as one of them. Jimmy and Petey take in Sasquatch, but Sasquatch is one of the most annoying guys you’ll ever meet. He’s destructive, ungrateful, and Jimmy’s persistence to shelter him begins to not make sense very quickly. Sasquatch doesn’t want to be there, Jimmy recognizes the burden that having a sasquatch in your home can be, it just doesn’t add up for me, personally. Additionally, Cheech’s subplot of pretending to be a dog in order to sleep with a blind woman was lost on me. It was pretty funny along the way, but the climax just unraveled it for me.

But it wasn’t all bad. As usual, the writing was a pro for the episode. A lot of clever and witty dialogue between the characters kept me engaged in the episode when the story itself was lacking. The first act of the episode was also interesting to watch. Petey and Jimmy out in the woods, and seeing Petey do some sort of weird nature dance with the animals, it cracked me up. Probably my favorite part of the episode. Also, there was Cheech’s subplot. While I wasn’t a fan of the conclusion, the journey made sense and the jokes hit the right way. It was a lot of fun to watch.

Overall, this wasn’t the best outing for Fugget About It, this probably won’t land among my favorites of the season, but that’s fine. There is still a lot of good to take away from this episode if you know where to look. Maybe you’re in the camp that liked the relationship between Jimmy and the sasquatch, I can see what they were going for, so it stands to reason that some audience members received it better than I.

What did you think of Saskquatchewan? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts with us!