BUBBLE CAN Review: Knuckleheads “Love Academy”

Knuckleheads continues on in it’s first season with this brand new episode. One of the interesting things about the show is that it’s a great anthology. It doesn’t follow any characters in particular, but it also doesn’t scrap characters for good. If they feel a character from past episodes will help their story, they’ll throw them into the mix. So, how was this episode? Read on to find out!

In “Love Academy” men and women go on a reality show hoping to find love and win a trip to Old Orchard.

Like, last week, this episode didn’t feel like they were shooting on all cylinders. The story was a parody of shows like the Bachelor and the Dating Game to a lesser extent. The characters they brought to the table came across very annoying. They were supposed to represent the most annoying characters you tend to see on these reality shows, but the problem is that I think they did too good of a job. They were less parody and actually came across very annoying. There is one character in the episode named Raoul who is just a headache. Even when he appears to take his leave from the episode, he still pops up here and there. The one enjoyable character in this episode was the one guy we’ve seen in the past. The sleazy guy who owns a BMW. He has an inferiority complex in this episode and it comes across great.

As far as the characters not being well realized in this episode, it wasn’t all bad. They all interacted pretty well. When you have a group of characters working at the same level, you can still make them work together well. This is a great example of that. There were a lot of fun an memorable moments.

Overall, this episode continues the downward trajectory for Knuckleheads, but it’s still a very enjoyable show. The animation style is still fun and the banter between the characters is always well written. The only real problem I had with this episode was the characters and they unfortunately dragged the entire episode down with them.



How did you like this new episode of Knuckleheads? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts with us!