Review: Toy Story at 20: To Infinity and Beyond



Spoilers Below

As awful as the A Charlie Brown Christmas Special was, I was really expecting another terribly produced special. Fortunately, ABC/Disney smartened up this time around and produced one the best animation documentaries I have ever seen. This one focused on one of the most important animation studios of our lifetime.

The hour-long look at what went on behind-the-scenes in producing Toy Story is a fascinating tale that features dramatic plot points that would make Wicked City blush with jealousy (get it? cuz that show was cancelled) all the while giving everybody a real strong scoop of how we got to where we are with CG animated films. Like Jurassic Park did for blockbusters, Toy Story pivoted the animated film scene from a hand-drawn affair with shitty songs strewn throughout to the stuff that today comes out every week with technology that is available for use with streaming services, TV, and more.

Overall, the special is fantastic. Featuring interviews with Tim Allen, John Lasseter, Tom Hanks, Don Rickles (!!!), and more, Toy Story at 20: To Infinity and Beyond makes you want to watch the whole movie RIGHT after this special’s conclusion. And while I would’ve liked to have learned more about Steve Jobs’ importance to Pixar, and completely noticed a part of Annie Pott’s interview clipped for whatever reason, I thoroughly enjoyed a trip down memory lane that I’ll soon never forget.
