DVD Review: Family Guy Season 13


The lone mainstay in 20th Century FOX’s stable of animated franchises going to DVD does a great job of making sure it’s important.

Included in the release is three discs that comprise of Family Guy Season 13 in its entirety completely UNCENSORED. This is a feature that goes largely ignored, but Hulu censors shit so if you want to feel a truly uncensored take on Family Guy, it’s right here or you gotta wait until the show is on Netflix. The episodes also feature episode commentaries with deleted scenes also included.

The main attraction for this home release is the featurette that goes behind-the-scenes with the producers of both The Simpsons and Family Guy about the famed crossover that happened last season “The Simpson Guy”. Watching how The Family Guy producers try and put the characters from their series into a world that is not theirs is really quite fascinating and to get the perspective from both sides of the equation was really incredible. I would have liked to have heard from Matt Groening and Seth MacFarlane, but I really was quite satisfied with what I’ve got.

In a light year for DVD releases, this may be the best one out.

