BUBBLE CAN Review: Two Nuts and a Richard ‘Claire’s Baby’

0Two Nuts and a Richard was back with a new episode last night. The theme of the episode was parenthood, although there is a twist to it. Was it a good episode? Read on to find out!

In “Claire’s Baby” Clair announces she’s pregnant with Richard’s baby, Richard is guilty for supposedly cheating on his wife.

This wasn’t a great outing for Two Nuts and a Richard. The show deals with mature subject matter on a weekly basis, but this week may have been a little too far. Many shows cross lines and go against social norms, I applaud it when they do because in comedy I believe nothing is off limits. My exception to this is I need to believe you’ve earned your right to cross those lines. Shows like South Park and Family Guy go into pretty deep water, but they’re well established shows. Two Nuts and a Richard, still in it’s infancy, probably shouldn’t be touching subjects like rape. Although if you disagree with that, you aren’t wrong either. That’s just my two cents on the topic. It wasn’t even a really big part of the episode. They kind of glossed over it towards the beginning of the episode then moved on with the story. It was pretty nonchalant, which I think is funny.

Additionally, I feel the guys overacted a bit when Bobby Play was telling his story. One of the biggest problems with the show is how they present these stories that the guests are trying to tell them. I’ve gone over it in previous reviews, but it was particularly bad this episode. Richard, Jose, and Mario laughing along is a supposed to be a substitute laugh track, but they don’t stop laughing at any point in the story. It’s also loud. There are other episodes where this is minimal, but this time around it was very distracting.

It wasn’t all bad though. Clair was a fun character to have on as a primary character this week. Her dynamic with the guys is always entertaining to watch. The ending of the episode was also an interesting surprise.

Overall, not a strong episode. The problems I’ve had with the show as a whole were out in full force last night. The way they handled rape won’t affect my score, because it’s an issue of morals and not quality of the episode. My issue with the episode was with the story structure and how they present the stories of the guest stars. The writing also just wasn’t as clever as it could have been. When the show is working right, the dialogue can be so witty and smart. That just wasn’t the case this week.



How did you like  Two Nuts and a Richard? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts!

Two Nuts and a Richard is on every Friday night at 11:00