BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Crime”

00Nobody wants to end up in prison. But sometimes the temptation to break the law is too much for some to resist. You roll the dice and hope you don’t get caught. Sometimes you’re innocent but the evidence seems to point your way. This week the Stanley’s are in hot water with the law, do they make it out okay? And more importantly, was this episode worth the watch? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Crime” the Stanley’s are locked up, and dad tells us the sequence of events that lead to the family being behind bars.

This episode was okay. It had a weird opening. Prison isn’t the sort of scenery you would expect from the Stanley Dynamic, but that’s what you get this week. The entire family is locked up together and we, the audience, don’t know why.

After firing on all cylinders last week, there was just no way this episode would top it, but it also came up a little short in being a good episode either. Each member of the family has a tiny story in the overall plot, and it got very busy. While some characters had more frantic and exciting stories to watch, others were a little slower, so the pacing felt off. The energy of the episode would go from an existing flow to a momentum killing halt. The writing and the dialogue also didn’t do much for me this week.

There were certainly some good things in this episode that can’t be overlooked. The set design was awesome. I have been to the show’s set, seeing what it looks like at face value. It’s neat to see how much they can change the atmosphere in each episode by getting creative with their preexisting set. The police officers were interesting to watch and really added to their scenes, and seeing the family in jail was such a surprising opening, you couldn’t help but wonder how they got in their. So while the story was busy, it was also engaging.

Of course, it all works out for the family in the end and no stone is left unturned, and overall this episode didn’t work too well for me. Plenty of great stuff and while not one of my favorite episodes, this one ranks among the most interesting. You want to know why they’re in prison. So you’re locked in right away. It was well done to a degree, there were a few good laughs on top of the other positives I mentioned, it just didn’t come together as a good package.



How did you like “The Stanley Crime”? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts with us!

The Stanley Dynamic is on every Monday evening at 7:00 PM EST on YTV!