BUBBLE CAN Review: Two Nuts and a Richard “War of the Fences”

0Bad neighbors. A problem that isn’t easily fixed. Being an annoying youth in my early twenties, I know I’ve annoyed my neighbors with various shenanigans. I know I’ve also had bad neighbors growing up. If you’re lucky enough to have good neighbors, then last night’s “Two Nuts and a Richard” may not relate to you well. But how was last night’s episode? Read on to find out!

In “War of the Fences” Mario gets a new neighbor who ruins his Feng Shui garden and gets help from Judge Trudy and Bill O’Really to smooth things over.

This was a pretty decent episode. While not perfect, the story was one audiences may have a better time relating to. In a show that feels like hanging out with a group of friends and telling personal stories, a grounded and relate able story helps make the comedy feel more authentic. We’ve been in the hero’s shoes, we understand what they’re going through. Their views on the situation may closely reflect views we’ve once had.

The conclusion of the episode was a little messy. After two pretty solid acts, the third sort of left me unsatisfied. There were still a lot of great moments in the episode though, and the guests of the episode told pretty funny stories. As I watch more and more of the show, they’re becoming easier to follow, though if you’re just starting out on the show, you’d be forgiven for not being able to follow every plot point.

Overall, this was an alright episode. Far from being the worst of the season, not quite the best I’ve seen so far. Two Nuts and a Richard isn’t a show for everybody, but no show is really for everybody. Check it out for yourself and see if you’d like to hang out with these characters for twenty-two minutes a week, maybe have a few laughs. In the grand scheme of things it’s no masterpiece, but it’s perfectly innocent.


How did you like “War of the Fences”? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts with us!

Two Nuts and a Richard is on every Friday night at 11:00 PM EST on Adult Swim Canada!