BUBBLE CAN Review: Two Nuts and a Richard “‘Entity Crisis'”


Two Nuts and a Richard is an interesting show. Not for good reasons either. It has a nice spot on Adult Swim Canada, but you can barely find any trace of it online. It doesn’t seem like anybody out there really cares about you knowing that this show exists. So how was Friday’s new episode? Read on to find out .

In “Entity Crisis ” Mario and his wife find out that their home theater is haunted by the spirit of a little girl. Various guests share their experiences with the paranormal.

It took me ten seconds or so to realize this wasn’t a rerun of last week. Two spooky episodes next to one another? That screams uninspired to me. It played in very much the same tone as last week’s episode. As a matter of fact, a lot of my complaints about last week’s episode can be carried over into this episode as well. The pace at which the guests tell their stories is irritating. There is no emotion in their voices, barely any pauses between sentences. Then having the three main dudes laugh at points in the story where nothing funny is actually happening just adds fuel to the fire.
It feels like every female character on the show is a sexualized ditz, and the one black guy on the show is this tribal African character who dresses and speaks to match the part. In the first episode I watched, they portrayed this character and his wife in an extremely unflattering way and I overlooked it because my first experience with a show is more about feeling out what the show is about. I feel like I have a good idea now, and it’s just terrible.

The three main characters are interchangeable. They have the exact same personality. Characters in this show will speak at the same time. When a guest is telling their story, you’ll hear one of the main characters make a joke about the story, but in attempt to listen to that joke, you’ll miss an important part of the guest’s story because as I mentioned before, the guests hardly take a breath when telling their stories.

Overall, this episode is garbage. This show is not worth your time. There are so many annoying factors about the show, it’s hard to imagine how this is taking up a Friday night spot. There must be something better we can put in there? Who knows? Maybe this show can turn itself around at some point. It’s an interesting concept and there are a ton of things you can do with a show like this. So why have two Halloween episodes play next to each other? Just terrible.


Have you checked out “2 Nuts and a Richard”? Am I being too hard on it here? Show me the light because I’m afraid I can’t see it.

2 Nuts and a Richard plays every Friday night at 11 PM EST on Adult Swim Canada