BUBBLE CAN Review: Two Nuts and a Richard “Encounter of the Third Chip”


Last week I gave Two Nuts and a Richard the lowest score I’ve ever given anything in my time writing for Bubble Blabber. I stand by the review, but some new information has been brought to my attention by somebody who has worked on the show and going over the review again, it was pretty harsh. Honest, but harsh. So a big thanks to that person! In a nutshell, they addressed some of my concerns about the show and explained why the show is the way it is, being translated from French, the voice talent, and so on. Going through it all, and even reading more about the guys that the show is based on, I think I’m much better equipped to analyze this show and give it the reviews that it deserves. So how was Friday night’s episode? Read on to find out!

In “Encounter of the Third Chip” Richard sees a spaceship but Mario and Jose don’t believe him, so Richard bets his cottage to prove aliens exist.

This was definitely a turnaround. After last week, things could have only got better and they did! How much better? Well, let’s go over it. Many of my criticisms about the show were still present in this episode, but I won’t waste time and repeat myself. Just check out last week’s review of Two Nuts and a Richard if you’d like to know more about my thoughts of the show as a whole.

This week let’s just see how this episode improved over the last. And it did considerably actually. Perhaps this show is making me a better listener, but the stories of the guests seemed much easier to follow this week. I tuned out the guys in the background, and it was a lot like the first episode I watched. They have a really wide selection of characters on this show, so you’re always going to get something a little different in each episode, and within each episode. What feels good about the show is that it feels laid back. Like you’re hanging out with friends and listening to their stories. That’s my favorite part about the show. This episode was no exception. The overall story of the episode was interesting to watch. Aliens have always been fascinating, and the ones they had on the show were really funny.

Overall, this was a good episode. It really was. Last week I got everything off my chest about the show and I think that’s what I had to do to enjoy future episodes. I understand what I don’t like about the show, so now focusing on the good is easier to do. Of course, you’ll still hear about the bad, but that will be less about the structure of the show as a whole and more about each individual episode. I had a lot of fun with this episode, hope it keeps up!


So how did you like this week’s episode? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to let us know!

Two Nuts and a Richard is on every Friday night at 11:00 PM EST on Adult Swim Canada!