BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Superhero”

00Superheroes seem to be all the rage today, don’t they? Between the comic books and the movies, people can’t seem to get enough of those who can do much more than the average person. Of course, it only stands to reason that Luke would start using his elastic powers to truly become a superhero, and he isn’t alone. So how was this week’s episode of The Stanley Dynamic? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Superhero” after saving Summer’s life, Luke is motivated to use his elastic powers and become a superhero. Jealous of the rewards and admiration his brother is getting, Larry becomes one as well. Meanwhile, Lori has a school project that requires her to study prime apes. Her subjects? Mom and dad, of course!

This was an excellent episode! We’ve always been aware of Luke’s stretching powers, but they’ve rarely been acknowledged until now. So using those powers and becoming a superhero has always made perfect sense for an episode. Larry being jealous and becoming a hero of his own also makes perfect sense for his character. So, within the context of a world where a member of your family is animated and has stretching abilities, this episode really is perfectly grounded. This is the kind of story you would expect to happen.

As far the execution of the story went, it was great. The motivations of the characters made sense, nothing dragged on for too long, every scene furthered the story in some way. Lori’s story was also pretty good. It was a simple premise, have humans act like apes. That isn’t normal, so there you have the humor. It had a lot of funny dialogue and interactions. There was one particular line where the family is eating dinner and Lane (dad) aggressively tells Larry to “quit eying his meatloaf”. Out of left field, but so well timed that I couldn’t help but laugh.

The writing this episode was also great. A lot of quick wit, sarcasm, and thoughtful jokes that will give parents something to laugh at. That’s the key to family shows. Entertaining children is one thing, but if you really want a hit, make the parents laugh also. That’s something The Stanley Dynamic tries to bring to the table.

Overall, this episode was really great! This is The Stanley Dynamic at the height of their powers. Taking into consideration the writing, the story, the characters and their motivations. We finally see Luke’s powers play a role in a story, and that understandably makes Larry jealous. There were some neat costume designs this episode. I’m at a loss for things to critique negatively. The Stanley Dynamic really brought it this week. My favorite episode yet. I almost never bust out this score, but when it’s deserved, it’s deserved.





How did you like ‘The Stanley Superhero”? Am I being too generous here? Do you agree with me? Be sure to tell us your thoughts!

The Stanley Dynamic is on every Monday evening at 7:00 PM EST on YTV!