BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Student”

Finding your place in this crazy world can be a difficult thing to do. We’re constantly looking for ways to define ourselves and fit in. It isn’t always easy. Nobody knows that better than Lori on this week’s Stanley Dynamic. But sometimes with a little perseverance and luck, things can work themselves out. Additionally, Colin Mochrie (Whose line is it Anyway?) guest stars. So, how was last night’s episode? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Student” Lori is kicked out of her private school when there is a complication with the tuition in the mail. Lori must attend school with Larry and Luke in the meantime, but it isn’t quite the perfect match. Meanwhile, Lane befriends the mailman after realizing they have a lot in common.

This was a good episode. Lori is a character usually used in stories as a supporting character, but she was front and center this week. We see her join Luke and Larry at school and quickly replace them both in their respective extra curricular activities. The two stories of the episode each moved at a good pace, there didn’t seem to be any uncessary scenes. Colin Mochrie was an excellent addition to the episode as the mailman. He’s definitely in the top ten Canadian comedians ever, so his presence and chemistry with Michael Barbuto felt so natural. Lori, who is played by Madison Ferguson, was an excellent lead this episode. She is so full and energy and enthusiasm, it makes perfect sense to put a person like that at the helm.

Where the episode fell short was in Lori’s story, while overall very fun and entertaining, I thought there may have been a little too much going on. Having her both coach the football team and lead the robotics club didn’t feel necessary. Maybe her coming to the school, taking over one of those things, and then incorporating the leftover characters into that one singular story, it may have moved the story along more smoothly.

Overall, really good episode. An excellent guest star and an equally excellent lead in Madison Ferguson helped this episode thrive. A lot of fun and funny moments. The writing was on par with what they’ve been bringing to the table in previous episodes. Not a bad way to spend your half hour on a Monday night.







So, how did you like “The Stanley Student”? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts!

The Stanley Dynamic is on every Monday evening at 7:00 PM EST on YTV!