BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Grandpa”

0Who doesn’t love a visit from a grandparent? Gifts, stories, basically it’s like a wiser parent who just wants to spoil you. Unfortunately, you can also ask the question, who loves a visit from an in-law? We see both of questions answered this week when grandpa comes for a visit! So how was the episode? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Grandpa” Grandpa, played by the awesome Michael Gross, comes to visit the Stanley’s! The kids try to get everything on his bucket list completed because they think they found out that he is dying. Meanwhile, Doop hasn’t had a day off in forever so is forced on vacation. Unfortunately for Summer, Doop takes his vacation at the Brock and she has to tend to his every need.

This was another great episode for the show. Michael Gross, who has been in a ton of things over the years, guest starred and really elevated the show. He’s like a Michael Jordan in acting, when he’s on screen, everybody around him is elevated. So, just to get that out of the way, every scene he was in was great. The writing was excellent, this is the first episode of the show my girlfriend has seen, and she thought it was hilarious. The scene where the kids hear a conversation between grandpa and mom out of context, that was gold.

Doop’s story was pretty funny also. Various scenes of him enjoying his vacation at the community center were great. They set the scenario up in a way that Doop would be inconveniencing everybody else, no matter what he did, so there were a few layers of comedy to the story. It also looked like a fun story create because there was so much going on.

Speaking of a lot going on, that was another cool think about this episode. There was no fat on this episode, every scene had something eventful going on, or it moved the story forward. The wrestling match may be the highlight scene of the episode. It looks like a lot of work went into this scene especially, and I think it paid off.
The negatives of this episode really boil down to not every joke being funny, but comedy is extremely subjective, so you aren’t always going to laugh at every joke. Some more time with dad and grandpa could have also shown what their relationship is really like. Grandpa arrived in a happy mood, and everybody was shocked, it would have been neat to get more glimpse of mean grandpa.

Overall, another great episode. This latter portion of the season has been much stronger than what we saw in the Spring. Michael Gross was an excellent edition to the episode, it’s never a mistake to add talent. The stories were funny, the writing was strong, and there were a lot of fun moments. Really all the workings for a fun half hour with the family.


How did you like “The Stanley Grandpa”? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts!
The Stanley Dynamic is on every Monday night at 7:00 PM EST on YTV!