Review: Wander Over Yonder “The Cool Guy; The Catastrophe”


Spoilers Below

The Cool Guy

Lord Hater wants to be the cool guy so he starts hanging out with Emperor Awesome all the while Peepers continues plans of world domination. When Awesome tries to pick on Peepers, Hater flips out and shows everyone who is boss.

Our Take

This is my favorite story line to watch so far in Wander Over Yonder. For the last several months we’ve been watching Peepers essentially beg Hater to take his job more seriously, and then stuff like this happens. It will be interesting to see if Hater starts getting serious. I loved the twist ending, and Emperor Awesome always makes me laugh because he reminds me of a Street Shark. 



The Catastrophe

Lil Bits gets inside of Wander’s head via a portable movie player, and it basically hypnotizes him and the entire city. As a result, Sylvia’s gotta some how make Lil Bits’ bits seem less appealing so she starts producing bits of her own until Wander snaps out of it. He does just that, and Sylvia saves the town from too many cute cat videos.

Our Take

I am so tired of premises having to do with cat videos. Regular Show just did one about a month ago and now Wander. Lil Bits is a funny character, but I think this premise needs to be thrown in the dumpster.

