BUBBLE CAN Review: Two Nuts and a Richard “Rick the Romantic”



2 Nuts and a Richard is a new show on Adult Swim Canada that is produced by Oasis Animation, based out of Montreal. The show follows three friends: Richard, Mario, and Jose who co-host a radio show. The premise of the show, at least from this most recent episode, seems to be that there is a main story arch to each episode that is built with the experiences and stories of the various guests they have on their show. Was Friday night’s episode worth the watch? Read on to find out!

In 2 Nuts and a Richard “Richard celebrates his anniversary by asking his wife to divorce him so he can propose again. Also: Julian Pinetree details a swingers experience that went awry; Depot Man has marriage problems; Lucky’s wife leaves him”

There is an extreme lack of information to be found about this show at the moment, but I think that could easily change if more people check out this show. It was really entertaining. One of the main characters, Richard, asks his wife for a divorce in order to ask her to marry him again. Of course, his plan goes south, so his friends Jose and Mario try to help him out, and various radio show guests also call in sharing their own romantic hardships.

The life of the show is the supporting cast and the stories they bring to the episode. Each one is unique and their stories really seem to represent their characters well, listening to their stories feels like listening to a friend’s crazy story. The main story was also pretty interesting. Richard’s dedication to his plan is hilarious, and seeing him dig himself deeper and deeper into a hole for his plan is admirable.

The weakness of the show is the three main characters. They’re all very one-note, and it’s hard to tell their personalities apart. They all just seem like the same dude. In a show that brings interesting and distinguishable guests to the forefront, it’s odd to see that the backbone of the show is really three of the same guy. This episode, the first episode I’ve seen of the show, didn’t highlight the differences of these characters.

Overall, this episode was good. It’s sort of like hanging out with a group of friends and listening to some tall tales. The stories can be a tad difficult to follow along with at times because there is hardly a break to take a breath, so you really need to listen. It doesn’t sound like an organic story, it just feels rushed. But really, this is a funny show. It has its drawbacks, but there is enough here to give it a shot.







If you had a chance to see 2 Nuts and a Richard, what did you think about it? Share your thoughts with us!

You can check out 2 Nuts and a Richard every Friday night at 11 PM EST on Adult Swim Canada!