Comic Review: Bee & Puppycat #9


It has been forever since we got a new Bee & Puppycat comic. OK, maybe not FOREVER but almost six months! For what it’s worth, there is only one story in this issue. All 22 pages are dedicated to one story about Bee and her missing scarf.

Bee is tearing her apartment apart looking for her scarf. Puppycat suggests she do something to take her mind off it for awhile. Surely it will show up when she’s not looking for it. So they go to Temp-Bot to get a job.

Temp-Bot sends them to the Windmill Planet. Bee gets a cute little outfit that looks like a cross between a Dutch girl and pirate. I’m not even going to ask. It turns out that the windmill in question is a lost and found. People’s lost ambitions and dreams float by here and get caught by the windmill blades. The owner of the windmill used to collect and return the items but she is no longer interested in keeping it up. Instead, she wants Bee and Puppycat to clean the blades and just get rid of everything.

As the friends clean, they realize how important and precious some of these items are. They decide to take the items back to Temp-Bot to be returned to their rightful owners. Just as they finish, an eyepatch floats by. An eyepatch that looks an awful lot like the one Bee is wearing as part of her uniform. But she still has hers. Realizing that it belongs to the owner of the windmill, Bee and Puppycat sneakily return it to her. A smile crosses her face as she get back her lost ambition.

Back at the apartment, Bee decides to stop looking for her scarf. It will return when the time is right. We can see the scarf dangling out her window. A little bit later, the friends decide to go somewhere. (The story doesn’t tell us. I’m assuming the store.) Bee’s scarf smacks her in the head as they walk away from the building.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It seemed to have a bit of a parallel to the franchise. With the lack of any new Bee & Puppycat episodes (the last episode was released on December 18, 2014) and the length of time between the issues, it feels like Natasha Allegri has lost her drive to continue the series. (Granted, she does not write the comics. They are written and illustrated by different people every month.) Maybe it’s time to stick a fork in the franchise and move onto something different. This issue wouldn’t be a terrible way to end the series. Granted, there weren’t a ton of questions answered but not all questions need to be answered.
