BUBBLE CAN Review: The Stanley Dynamic “The Stanley Spirit”

Halloween is truly a special time of year. There is so much to get excited about! Scary movies, candy, dressing up, carving pumpkins, and much more! Every year I try to catch all of the Halloween specials. Who can forget Peanuts, Garfield, and all of the other classics? This year it seems The Stanley Dynamic is joining the fun and giving us it’s first Halloween episode as well! How was it? Read on to find out!

In “The Stanley Spirit” Larry is skeptical about the existence of ghosts and agrees to go on a tour of the haunted community center with Luke and Morgan. Meanwhile, dad reads a troubling fortune cookie that tells him he will die.

In my experience Halloween episodes can vary. Some are highlight the scary parts, some highlight the fun. I think this episode did a good job showing us both themes in it’s two stories. We had a fun spooky tour with the kids at the community center, while at home we saw dad coming to terms with his own demise. Through all of this there was still the witty dialogue we’ve come to appreciate with The Stanley Dynamic.

Of all of the episodes thus far, I think this one will go over with parents the best. There were a lot of pop culture references, including ones about Ghostbusters and Poltergeist. I’m sure some of the little ones have seen Ghostbusters, but come on, it’s really the parents who will appreciate these jokes most.

Dad’s story was well done. It remained very grounded and the comedic moments were really seeing the characters react to every new piece of information being presented to them. It was straight forward, the dialogue was tight, it was paced very well, and it ended on a high note.

Overall, this was a really good episode. It was a great improvement from last week, and I think this episode highlights the strengths of the show. We saw Luke at full force this episode having a lot of great moments, we’re seeing Larry bonding with yet ANOTHER girl, and the Stanley ladies were funny in response to dad’s paranoia, Doop and Pam were really funny also. My complaints would be nitpicking, so I’ll save everybody’s time, skip them, and tell you that this is a great episode.




How did you like “The Stanley Spirit”? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to let us know and have a fun and safe Halloween!

The Stanley Dynamic is on every Monday at 7:00 EST on YTV!