Shorts Review: Vixen Episode 6


Spoilers Below

Mari wakes up and is taught by her ancestors all about being the holder of the totem, so she heads on over to her sister’s hide out and decides to THROW DOWN. Mari kills her sister, takes the totem, and comes to her realization of what her mission is…to protect Detroit. Arrow and Flash come by, offer Mari support and time to chill and figure things out. The duo also tag Mari with an official code name…Vixen.

Our Take

The season one finale, officially becomes worth the wait. Everything moving during the course of the last month leads to a stellar fatality laden with frenetic action sequences, compelling dialogue, and one of the most dramatic finishes seen in animation all year. Vixen is no joke, and if more episodes are ordered, I hope that CW is brave enough to watch this show grow on the big boy network.

