Review: Pickle & Peanut “PAL-SCAN; America’s Sweetboy”


Spoilers Below


The store gets a new self check-out, but when it breaks, Pickle and Peanut fixes it which causes the fucker to go Skynet and just take over anything that’s plugged in. Really, PAL becomes a clingy best-friend, one that Pickle and Peanut want no part of. The guys return to the store to find that PAL has tied up Mjart, so Pickle and Peanut grab them some donkey and use him as a diversion while Pickle is able to reconfigure PAL so that he’s back to normal. Per his gratitude, Mjart thanks the guys by taking them of Sugar Fest.

Our Take

As a fan of Terminator, I loved the machine taking over bit, and as a guy that used to work the self-check-out, I can definitely confirm that they are insane. Best parts of the episode include the arcade bit, and when the big fight at the end went down.



America’s Sweetboy

There’s a pageant down at the mall where the winner can be a spokesperson for a taffy company, and Pickle decides to enter. He does rather well, but at the end throws the contest for a girl telling a bullshit sob story. Don’t worry, the taffy machine gets the last laugh.

Our Take

Candy is sweet, and this episode was sweet, too, but not as creative or action-packed as the first one. I’m still trying to figure out why Candy wanted to be a “Sweetboy”? Was there something she wasn’t telling the rest of the class?

