Review: Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero “Massive Morphy Merge Mechs; Ultrahyperball”


Spoilers Below

Massive Morphy Merge Mechs

Imagine a world where we are in the land of Cybertron, and Rippen’s team represents a Decepticons-esque variety, while Penn and friends are the Auto-Bots. The two warring factions battle to claim the last livable environment, with one looking to promote life and the other looking to destroy the planet for good. What instead happens is an epic battle ensues, but the two factions have to work together to stop a blown up moon from crashing into their planet. Peace?

Our Take

As great as the battle scenes were, I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically about the fact that Rippen was a butt on the Mega-Zord mech. The robot even bent over so that its ass could see the moon crashing. HAHAHAHAA. Rippen did have some poorly delivered lines near the end (I’m looking at you, director), but how can you go wrong with a Transformers-inspired effort?



Penn and gang have to play a game against Rippen, but no one knows the rules nor what has to happen in order to win because Sashi’s glasses broke. They eventually decide to get both coaches to marry each other so the fate of two planets will be safe, and Rippen can once again piss off.

Our Take

So yea, not only did we have guest stars, but show star Thomas Middleditch wrote this one, and for his first-time writing a Penn episode, it wasn’t terrible. The overall plot was a bit convoluted, and I would’ve expected a funnier turn out, but guest stars Jason Alexander and Jane Kaczmarek were enough to keep my eyes glued to the TV. Jason was exemplary as Coach Wallace, because he actually had to play a character, which in the voice world is rarer than you might imagine. Coach Jackie was actually my favorite character of the evening, and Jane K. had me laughing quite heartily.