Shorts Review: Guardians of the Galaxy ”Gamora Pt. 1 and Gamora Pt. 2”


Spoilers Below

From a background perspective, there’s a lot to like about the Gamora shorts. In  them you get to see the rivalry between Gamora and Nebula grow, and reach even deeper into Gamora’s past and learn how her relationship to Thanos came to be.

Interestingly enough, when it comes to character design and the subsequent voice casting, the producers seem to have favored the comic book depiction of Gamora as opposed to the film version. That said, poor Gorath falls by the wayside and really bears no voice resemblance to the film which I felt was somewhat of a letdown.

Overall, the Gamora shorts did just what the other animated Guardians of the Galaxy “Origins” shorts did, and that’s set the table for what will be the September 5th sneak peek of what could be a stellar series.
