Review: Like, Share, Die ”Geniuses and Bongs”



Spoilers Below

Dick Cheney vs Elmo;

Elmo and Dick measure the size of their balls, and of course Dick Cheney goes balls-istic


Josh and Liz vs Geniuses;

Josh and Liz are annoyed that the batteries to their phones are dying, so they go to the Apple Store and meet the geniuses. Of course, their solution is for Josh and Liz to get new phones at the cost of $2000 and a two year contract. They have iPads too, also with dead batteries.


Gundarr attempts a sassy new look;

A guy named AppleJuice that looks just like Cloud from FF7 shows up and helps Gundarr nail down the new look complete with a Buster sword. Both AJ and Gundarr challenge the Wizard to a fight, and the Wizard wins handily.


a woman loves a dolphin;

Apparently this is based on a true story. Just like most guys, the male-dolphin has to deal with a clingy girl that eventually gets surrounded by sharks. The couple resolves their differences and resume eating sundaes in bed.


Cat Agent reps George Clooney’s cat;

Balls of yarn are negotiated upon and George’s cat demands eight balls of yarn, with Cat Agent getting a cut.

number-solid-7-204x204 number-full-stop number-solid-5-204x204

a man and his bong get paranoid in the park.

The local park ranger kills a cougar AND he knows that this man is high, but he doesn’t care.


Best Sketch


Worst Sketch

Dick Cheney vs Elmo