Games Review: Kirby Buckets “Scrawl and Brawl”

Disney XD - Scrawl and BrawlPic
Yep, that’s a penis.


Think of the old saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” In this case, they become the same thing. Disney XD’s “Scrawl and Brawl” gives players the ability to customize every aspect of their character with the click and drag of a mouse.

“Scrawl and Brawl” delivers with gameplay. In the beginning level, I was dropped into a school hallway. The controls are simple and given to you as you progress through the game and unlock additional abilities. There was one thing that was off when I began, though. My character was noticeably missing key characteristics, like a face. Cue the party music, because this is where things go all sorts of right. Time to scrawl.

After walking forward for a mere 5 seconds, I was told to click on my notepad in the top left corner of my screen. It brought up what looks like an old school MS Paint project. I was going to be able to draw my face! I was given a rough outline to follow and started drawing. It gives you the ability to use multiple colors, as well. I went with the black outline and shades of green on my face. Oh, and bleeding eyes. I confirmed I was done drawing my face and it loaded it right on my character. I was hardly expecting the detail to be as good as it was in respect to how I drew it. Surprisingly, it nailed it. Weapons. You get weapons in this game. I’m talking swords and throwing knives. Guess what else?! You get to draw them all! Want to draw a pig and throw it at people? You can! I did. I also drew expletives and hit people with flying “F@#$”s.

You get to also manipulate the environment. At one point in “Scrawl and Brawl”, I came across a trampoline. The only way I could use it was if I drew it. I went with drawing out the letters “LOLBBQSAUCE” instead of drawing the trampoline. It was so much fun to see my character with the bleeding eyes run around springing off of nerd words and riding around on giant floating platforms that I made look like bananas. What more could you ask for?

Straight up awesome game.

Remember kids: Game Responsibly. If you, or someone you know, has a gaming addiction; please reach out and tweet @Capo_Sandwich for help.