‘Simpsons’ LEGO House Too Expensive? Try This Mini-Model Instead

Mini House

We get it: times are tough. Gone are the days of easily throwing down $200 for a LEGO set. I mean, the economy is still recovering and…you know, stocks. National debt. And jobs, right?

Okay, I’ll admit it. I know nothing about the economy, and I’m poor. I can’t afford that shiny, new Simpsons LEGO house – and a lot of people are probably in the same [rusted, leaking] boat. But wait! Before you rob that convenience store, consider this: a Simpsons LEGO house can be had for a lot cheaper; you just have to think small.

Built by César Soares, the mini-house still contains quite a bit of detail – including a working garage door, compact version of the Simpsons’ car, and even a grill. (Le gril? What the hell is that?!)

The house may be small, but let’s face it: it’s probably still bigger than where you live.

[via Gizmodo]