Shorts Review: Mickey Mouse in ”Coned”


Spoilers Below

Pluto gets a cone put on his head after going to the vet for stitches. Mickey doesn’t want his pal feeling lonely, so he decides to don a cone until Pluto gets his taken off. Well, now Mickey can’t see, so everything in the house turns into a mess and it gets even worse when Mickey tries to take Pluto for a walk. Several days pass and Mickey and Pluto are ready to have their cones removed. Unfortunately, Mickey tries driving a dumpster all the way through downtown and right into an oncoming train with both Pluto and Mickey getting the worst of it. The two head to the hospital and are told by the doctor that they can take their cones off, but now Pluto and Mickey are confined to wheel chairs for a few weeks until their legs heal.

Our Take

Mickey Mouse returns in a laugh-riot season premiere that should make fans feel right at home. And how about that timing? The same week in which NASA sends us photos of Pluto, we get a plot all about Mickey’s dog of the same name! The pooch was hilarious, and I couldn’t help but think that my dog would react a lot of the same ways if I were running around with a cone on my head. Great stuff.

