DVD Review: Robot Chicken Season Seven

Robot Chicken S7 copy

Stoopid Buddy Stoodios is still one of the few that practices the lost art of putting everything they can into a DVD release. More often than not, most DVD releases from other studios may feature a few episode commentaries here and there, but for the most part a lot of other studios don’t even bother with DVDs when it comes to television shows. This kinda stinks, because I miss the special features that are clearly all over the place with this release.

Unlike last year, the Christmas special that aired this past season is included on the release along with the Bitch Pudding Special. Episode commentaries for both and 18 additional episodes is so against the grain of what anyone does on DVD anymore that one could save this release as an artifact to showcase how TV shows used to do it. Also included are interviews and behind the scenes looks at how some of the staff’s favorite episodes of the season were produced, with special attention given to the finale and ‘Bitch Pudding’ specials. Perhaps my favorite special feature was the bet between Zeb Wells and Seth/Matt’s assistant on who cracks first after a 100 gummy bears. As a matter of fact, Zeb was extra funny on the commentaries and interviews this time around, but the gummy bear doc was pure gold.

With as good as the behind-the-scenes stuff was, I didn’t think we got as much as we have in prior Robot Chicken DVD releases. For example, we didn’t get a chance to talk to any of the guest stars and the staff showing us how they put together certain sketches was down to a minimum. Heck, you would have thought with as viral as Dillon Markey got last year with his genius power glove application in producing the show, we would’ve gotten more of that! I would’ve also liked to have seen the Stoopid Buddy Shortz that were released as part of Robot Chicken Season Seven as part of the collection because I thought a lot of those were quality, and I couldn’t even tell you where to find them on Adult Swim’s website.

Overall, Robot Chicken Season Seven was a brilliant season, and this DVD is required for any fan of the series. The special features are slowly, but surely, starting to be scaled back so you may not get a bunch more releases like this down the road.

