CFL’s Blue Bombers, Lions Exchange Witty ‘Simpsons’ Jabs on Twitter

Simpsons Football

You know what’s the best part about Canadian sports? Nothing. The rivalries. If their disses involve The Simpsons, even better.

When the B.C. Lions football team arrived in Winnipeg to play the Blue Bombers, they tweeted this city-related jab from the show:

Not to be shown up, the Bombers retorted with a tweet of their own:

This led to another post from the Lions:

And another rebuttal from the Bombers, this one involving QB Drew Willy:

And finally, one more – a video – from the Lions:

The Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team recently used a Simpsons screengrab in a playful Twitter post as well.

I sincerely hope that one day we live in a world where all major conflicts are settled via Simpsons references. Take note, Obama.