Review: Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja “Club Ninja Dice / To Smell and Back”


Spoilers Below

 “Club Ninja Dice

Spring Break is in tow with Howard and Randy heading to a beach resort with a mission to do absolutely nothing. They run into McFist, so Randy decides to Ninja-up and kick his ass ahead of time so as not to be distracted later. Nomicon isn’t thrilled, but it kind of works for a bit. Unfortunately, McFist returns as a robo-pirate complete with a pirate army and they invade the island and pretty much take over. Randy destroys all of the pirates and McFist, but their vacation is effectively ruined.

Our Take

I enjoy guest stars that you had no idea were in this week’s episode, and having Pauly Shore guest did just that for me. He played a character that was perfect for him and as such I rather enjoyed our host for the evening. As for the ninja battle with McFist-pirate? WIN! A lot was good this episode, actually. The setting was original and the pirates were a nice change of pace from the ordinarily animal-influenced enemies that we are used to.



To Smell and Back”

Howard rips a fart but he blames it on the ninja. As a result, Howard tells the class a story which ends with him admitting that he indeed was the one who smelt it so yes he was the one who dealt it. Randy thanks him for fessing up, and farts are still funny.

Our Take

Even if the majority of the episode was made-up as part of Howard’s story, there was a lot to enjoy, but couldn’t feel let down at the end. I was rather let down due to the fact some of the great characters that were in Howard’s story, are not part of the Randy lexicon so we have no chance of seeing them again. The underground inter-terrestrials nor the incapacitated hero would have made swell characters down the road, but instead were used as a bi-product. In any case, farts are always funny, and the unique characters made for a one-of-a-kind episode.

