Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever ‘Brain Fairy’


Spoilers Below:

Aqua Teen – you had me really worried. This episode started out slow in the humor department – real slow. But, by the end, it finally brought me to chuckletown. Sure, it wasn’t a total yuckfest but god dammit I did let out a few reserved but certified laughs.

So, how did we finally [barely] get there? Let’s take a look.

In this week’s installment of Aqua Teen the gang aims to recover Frylocke’s back jewel (more specifically, the jewel of Idahocules – yeah, that’s right, Idahocules). Without the jewel, Frylocke is rendered intellectually disabled.  Where did the jewel run off to in the first place? Well, The Brain Fairy (from which this episode gets its name) stole it.  Sure.  At this point in the series, why not?  Although I don’t entirely remember Frylocke’s brain being the source of his intelligence (someone back me up here) it makes sense enough to be a reasonable plot.

Actually, after a quick Google search, I found that I’m actually right (for once). In the “Hoppy Bunny” episode (Season 5, Episode 6), Shake rips out Frylocke’s jewel – which causes Frylocke to become sick … but not dumb. I AM A GOD DAMN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, BITCHES.  AQUA WRITERS, WHY YOU NO BE CONSISTENT? WE HAVE GOOGLE.

Anyway, inaccuracies aside, the character which the episode revolves around, The Brain Fairy, just doesn’t do anything for me. I was basically just counting the seconds until Carl or Shake was able to take the wheel and deliver me some actual entertainment.  This episode was just not ridiculous enough to be great.

Where did this episode go right?  Shake and Meatwad forming a team without Frylocke to keep them in check.  Always good.

Where did this episode go wrong? Not rocking me like a hurricane.  Always not good.

Again, I remain hopeful and march forward towards the end of a glorious era.  Until next week, I’m gonna be re-watching Season 9 a few times.  Fuck, that was a great season.