W2W2nite 5/28/15: FXX and Fusion


Animation Domination

Animation Domination – Major Lazer: My Fellow Jamaicans…

Always remember the day dancing awoke the prehistoric reptiles. All new episodes of Major Lazer Thursdays at Midnight on FXX.

Animation Domination – Major Lazer: Take 5

It’s business time, hologram girls. Major Lazer weeds out his enemies Thursday at Midnight on FXX’s Animation Domination.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: Super Punch!

Axe Cop has odd ways of killing boredom… Watch him patrol the universe Thursdays at Midnight on FXX’s Animation Domination.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: Many Bad Guys Are Coming

BREAKING NEWS! World peace is about to end. Good thing Axe Cop knows what to do. Watch Axe Cop patrol the universe Thursdays at Midnight on FXX.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: President Axe Cop

As President of the World, what’s Axe Cop’s first order of business? Watch Axe Cop Thursdays at Midnight on FXX’s Animation Domination.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: Magic Pencil

What will Axe Cop draw with his magic pencil? He chops heads and takes names Thursdays at Midnight on FXX’s Animation Domination.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: Fighting Zoo!!

Welcome to the zoo that lets you fight the animals! Axe Cop patrols the universe Thursdays at Midnight on FXX’s Animation Domination.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: Axe Cop Is Killing Who?

Wait, can Axe Cop kill Axe Cop? Watch and see who gets their stupid head chopped off.

Animation Domination – Axe Cop: A New World

Do you know the history of Earth 2? Tell us, Axe Cop…



Like, Share, Die ‘Lumbersexual Milkshakes and Neckbeards’

A lumbersexual sings his theme song, Josh and Liz get paranoid about the NSA, Jay races in the space 1950’s, the Lego Movie gets remade poorly and the Chick Figures face off against a neckbeard jerk.

Like, Share, Die ‘Smurfsters, Weed, and Mystery’

A black guy has a breakthrough with the cops, Josh and Liz order a weed delivery, Gundarr gets crystal balled, the Smurfsters hipster-out and Mystery Boy saves the universe. Watch a clip here.